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Information is a critical resource that requires the highest security in today’s increasingly competitive corporate world. Information security is critical to running a business and maintaining that sensitive data is never exposed.

  •       Information security is critical to your company’s survival. As a result, it must be protected against harmful assaults in advance, especially when commercial data is exchanged through networks.
  •       Five key building pieces constitute the foundation of a safe information system. In order to build any type of information security process in your company, you must first put these pillars in place. Continue reading.


User data is protected using the Five Pillars of Cybersecurity approach, which includes confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity, and non-repudiation.


  1.   Confidentiality

The term ‘confidentiality’ means “to have full trust or reliance”. Confidentiality is a fundamental concept of Cyber security, with roots in the military attitude of retaining top-down power and control over individuals with access to data. Confidentiality should be applied in cloud computing, which will raise the danger of data breach, offering such a service is extremely important in cloud computing: Remote data storage, a lack of network boundary, third-party cloud service providers, multitenancy, and large infrastructure sharing are all obstacles that need to be tackled.

  1.   Integrity

Data integrity is a significant part of the structure, execution, and use of any system that stores, interprets, or retrieves data because it protects data correctness and consistency throughout its life cycle. Data integrity failure is defined as any unwanted alterations to data as a result of a storage, retrieval, or computing action, including malicious intent, unanticipated hardware failure, and human mistake. If the modifications are the consequence of illegal access, data protection may have failed.

  1.   Availability

Information must be accessible when it is needed for any information system to function well. This implies that the computer systems used to save and analyze the data, as well as the security measures and communication routes required to access it, must all be operational. Availability is typically seen as one of the most critical aspects of a successful information security program in the domain of cyber security.

  1.       Authenticity

This security feature is used to validate the legitimacy of a communication, message, or source, as well as an individual’s authority to receive specified data. Authentication protects users from impersonation by requiring them to verify their identities before being granted permissions and resources. User ID, passwords, emails, fingerprints, and other personal information are all included.


  1.       Non-repudiation

Non-repudiation is a legal term that refers to a person’s desire to carry out their contractual duties. It also indicates that neither one nor the other participant to a transaction can dispute that they have received or delivered a transaction. While data encryption methods can help with non-repudiation attempts, the term is really a legal concept that transcends the domain of technology.


Do you want an expert IT solution partner?


Cyberpulse is a leading provider of Information Technology solution providers that go above and beyond industry expectations. We are trusted strategic outsourcing partner.


We are dedicated to offering entire end-to-end solutions to meet your goals, therefore our dedication to excellence is only one side of our value proposition. Our comprehensive outsourcing services provide you accessibility to industry-leading best practices, encouraging you to focus on your core skills rather than time-consuming repetitive duties.


We have professionals in critical areas such as web application security, network intrusion prevention, malware protection, and vulnerability assessments. In order to predict cyber security breaches, we stay up to speed on the newest intelligence and procedures.


Back-office services are a solid, yet flexible technical infrastructure capable of managing and safeguarding your data, which Cyberpulse facilitates. Our facilities are properly maintained, guaranteeing that our services are available at all times. We have a state-of-the-art Information Security Management System in place.